Dieses Bild zeigt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Götz T. Gresser

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Götz T. Gresser




Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart


Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. T. Gresser hat Erfahrungen in der Erforschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung von technischen Textilien entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette mit Fokus auf Verfahrenstechnik und faserverstärkte Verbundwerkstoffe.

  • Professor (W3) und Institutsleiter des Instituts für Textil- und Fasertechnologien (ITFT) der Universität Stuttgart
  • Vorstandmitglied der Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)

Engagement im Wissenschaftssystem

  • Gutachter für die Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (IGF)
  • Vorstandsmitglied der Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW)
  • Vorstandsmitglied des Forschungscampus ARENA2036
  • Vorstandsmitglied des Kompetenznetzes Biomimetik
  • Mitglied des Beirats Leichtbau BW (bis 2022)
  • Sprecher EU-Arbeitskreis der wirtschaftsnahen Forschungseinrichtungen in Baden-Württemberg (bis 2022)
  • Organisator und Mitglied Programmkomitee der Internationalen Textilkonferenz Aachen Dresden Denkendorf
  • Mitglied der innBW (Innovationsallianz Baden-Württemberg)
  1. Born, L., Gonzalez, S.M., Edith, A., Ridder, M., Körner, A.H., Knippers, J., Gresser, G.T.: FlectoSol  - A pneumatically activable PV-functionalized faccade shading module with bending motion in two directions for solar tracking. Developments in the Built Environment. 18, 100372 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100372.
  2. Kannenberg, F., Zechmeister, C., Gil Pérez, M., Guo, Y., Yang, X., Forster, D., Hügle, S., Mindermann, P., Abdelaal, M., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Weiskopf, D., Gresser, G.T., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Knippers, J., Menges, A.: Toward reciprocal feedback between computational design, engineering, and fabrication to co-design coreless filament-wound structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. 11, 374–394 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1093/jcde/qwae048.
  3. Mindermann, P., Acker, D., Wegner, R., Fasoulas, S., Gresser, G.T.: Long-span fiber composite truss made by coreless filament winding for large-scale satellite structural systems demonstrated on a planetary sunshade concept. Scientific Reports. 14, 8190 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-58513-w.
  4. Mindermann, P., Witt, M.-U., Samie, A., Selvarayan, S.K., Gresser, G.T.: Integration of ceramic matrix systems into coreless filament wound fiber-reinforced composite lightweight structures for lunar resource utilization. Composites Part C: Open Access. 15, 100508 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomc.2024.100508.
  5. Moser, S., Gonzalez, E.A., Ridder, M., Born, L., Körner, A., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J., Weitlaner, R.: Performance Investigation of Different PV Technologies on Pneumatically Actuated Adaptive Façade at a Demonstrator Building in Freiburg, Germany. In: Proceedings of SimBuild Conference 2024. pp. 661--667 (2024).
  6. Gil Pérez, M., Mindermann, P., Zechmeister, C., Forster, D., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Kannenberg, F., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Menges, A., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J.: Data processing, analysis, and evaluation methods for co-design of coreless filament-wound building systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. 1–35 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1093/jcde/qwad064.
  7. Gonzalez, E.A., Moser, S., Körner, A., Born, L., Gresser, G.T., Weitlander, R., Knippers, J.: Advancing solar control and energy harvesting through the use of pneumatically actuated elastic adaptive façades. In: Proceedings 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials. pp. 744–756. Smart2023 (2023). https://doi.org/10.7712/150123.9828.444680.
  8. Maheswaran, T., Mindermann, P., Acker, D., Gresser, G.T., Fasoulas, S.: International planetary sunshade concept with a function-integrated and scalable support structure based on coreless filament winding. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2526, 012113 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2526/1/012113.
  9. Mindermann, P., Kaiser, P., Müller, L., Fischer, L., Gebhardt, P., Hindenlang, U., Gresser, G.T.: Investigation of different load transmission concepts for coreless filament wound structures. Composite Structures. 303, 116287 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.116287.
  10. Moser, S., Gonzalez, E.A., Körner, A., Born, L., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J., Weitlaner, R.: Datengesteuerte Regelungsstrategie mittels einer modellbasierten Evaluierung: Anwendung an einer adaptiven Fassade in Freiburg. In: Proceedings LICHT2023. Lichttechnische Gesellschaften Österreich, Deutschland, Niederlande und Schweiz in Partnerschaft mit FILD und LUXLUMINA (2023).
  11. Wegner, R., Engert, M., Gresser, G.T., Möhring, H.-C., Bonten, C., Kreutzbruck, M.: Structural Improvement of Mineral Cast through pre-stressed Carbon Fibre Reinforcements for Application in Machine Tool Construction. In: Bonten, C. and Kreutzbruck, M. (eds.) 28. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium. pp. 151--157. IKT Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart (2023).
  12. Jonas, F., Knippers, J., Gresser, G., Born, L., Milwich, M.: EP 3 460 114 B1 - FASERVERBUNDSTRUKTUR, VERZWEIGUNGSKNOTEN ZUM GEBÄUDEBAU SOWIE VERFAHREN ZUR HERSTELLUNG DES VERZWEIGUNGSKNOTENS ZUM GEBÄUDEBAU, https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/063442408/publication/EP3460114A2?q=18191052.2, (2022).
  13. Mindermann, P., Gil Pérez, M., Kamimura, N., Knippers, J., Gresser, G.T.: Implementation of fiber-optical sensors into coreless filament-wound composite structures. Composite Structures. 290, 115558 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.115558.
  14. Mindermann, P., Gresser, G.T.: Adaptive winding pin and hooking capacity model for coreless filament winding. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1177/07316844221094777.
  15. Mindermann, P., Müllner, R., Dieringer, E., Ocker, C., Klink, R., Merkel, M., Gresser, G.T.: Design of Fiber-Composite/Metal–Hybrid Structures Made by Multi-Stage Coreless Filament Winding. Applied Sciences. 12, 2296 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/app12052296.
  16. Mindermann, P., Pérez, M.G., Knippers, J., Gresser, G.T.: Investigation of the Fabrication Suitability, Structural Performance, and Sustainability of Natural Fibers in Coreless Filament Winding. Materials. 15, 3260 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15093260.
  17. Mindermann, P., Witt, M.-U., Gresser, G.T.: Pultrusion-winding: A novel fabrication method for coreless wound fiber-reinforced thermoset composites with distinct cross-section. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 154, 106763 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106763.
  18. Bodea, S., Mindermann, P., Gresser, G.T., Menges, A.: Additive Manufacturing of Large Coreless Filament Wound Composite Elements for Building Construction. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1089/3dp.2020.0346.
  19. Mindermann, P., Bodea, S., Menges, A., Gresser, G.T.: Development of an Impregnation End-Effector with Fiber Tension Monitoring for Robotic Coreless Filament Winding. Processes. 9(5), 806 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/pr9050806.
  20. Mindermann, P., Rongen, B., Gubetini, D., Knippers, J., Gresser, G.T.: Material Monitoring of a Composite Dome Pavilion Made by Robotic Coreless Filament Winding. Materials. 14, 5509 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14195509.
  21. Mühlich, M., Gonzales, E.A., Born, L., Körner, A., Schwill, L., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J.: Deformation Behavior of Elastomer-Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastics in Dependence of Pneumatic Actuation. Biomimetics. 6, 43 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/biomimetics6030043.
  22. Körner, A., Born, L., Bucklin, O., Suzuki, S., Vasey, L., Gresser, G.T., Menges, A., Knippers, J.: Integrative design and fabrication methodology for bio-inspired folding mechanisms for architectural applications. Computer-Aided Design. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2020.102988.
  23. Mindermann, P., Gresser, G.T., Milwich, M.: EP000003808547A1 - Method and tool arrangement for producing a fibre matrix composite profile structure and fibre matrix composite profile structure, (2020).
  25. Born, L., Gresser, T., Milwich, M.: DE 10  2018 108 745 A1 - Faserverbundbauteil, Hybridbauteil und Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Faserverbundbauteils, (2019).
  26. Born, L., Körner, A., Mader, A., Schieber, G., Milwich, M., Knippers, J., Gresser, G.T.: Adaptive FRP Structures For Exterior Applications. Advanced Materials Letters. 10, 913–918 (2019). https://doi.org/10.5185/amlett.2019.0029.
  27. Bunk, K., Jonas, F.A., Born, L., Hesse, L., Möhl, C., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J., Speck, T., Masselter, T.: From plant branchings to technical support structures. In: Knippers, J., Schmid, U., and Speck, T. (eds.) Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature. pp. 144–152. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2019). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617917-019.
  29. Jonas, F., Knippers, J., Gresser, T., Born, L., Milwich, M.: DE 10 2017 008 661 A1 - Faserverbundstruktur, Verzweigungsknoten zum Gebäudebau sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung des Verzweigungsknotens zum Gebäudebau, (2019).
  30. Kovaleva, D., Gericke, O., Wulle, F., Mindermann, P., Sobek, W., Verl, A., Gresser, G.T.: Rosenstein Pavilion: a lightweight concrete shell based on principles of biological structures. In: Knippers, J., Schmid, U., and Speck, T. (eds.) Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature. pp. 92–101. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2019). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617917-012.
  31. Mader, A., Born, L., Gresser, T., Knippers, J., Milwich, M., Schieber, G., Müller, L., Körner, A.: EP 3 524 826 A1 - COMPONENT HAVING AN INTEGRATED ACTUATOR SYSTEM, (2019).
  32. Mader, A., Born, L., Gresser, T., Knippers, J., Milwich, M., Schieber, G., Müller, L., Körner, A.: DE 10 2018 103 178 A1 -  Bauteil mit integrierter Aktuatorik, (2019).
  33. Mader, A., Born, L., Körner, A., Schieber, G., Masset, P.-A., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J.: Bio-inspired integrated pneumatic actuation for compliant fiber-reinforced plastics. Composite Structures. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111558.
  34. Mindermann, P., Gresser, G.T., Milwich, M.: DE102019127568A1 - Verfahren und Werkzeuganordnung zum Herstellen einer Faser-Matrix-Verbund-Profil-Struktur und Faser-Matrix-Verbund-Profil-Struktur, (2019).
  35. Saffarian, S., Born, L., Körner, A., Mader, A., Westermeier, A.S., Poppinga, S., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.T., Speck, T., Knippers, J.: From Pure Research To Biomimetic Products: The Flectofold Facade Shading Device. In: Knippers, J., Schmid, U., and Speck, T. (eds.) Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature. pp. 42–51. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2019). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617917-007.
  36. Westermeier, A., Poppinga, S., Körner, A., Born, L., Sachse, R., Saffarian, S., Knippers, J., Bischoff, M., Gresser, G.T., Speck, T.: No Joint Ailments: How Plants Move And Inspire Technology. In: Knippers, J., Schmid, U., and Speck, T. (eds.) Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature. pp. 32–41. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2019). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617917-006.
  37. Wulle, F., Kovaleva, D., Mindermann, P., Christof, H., Wurst, K.-H., Lechler, A., Verl, A., Sobek, W., Haase, W., Gresser, G.T.: Nature As Source Of Ideas For Modern Manufacturing Methods. In: Knippers, J., Schmid, U., and Speck, T. (eds.) Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature. pp. 84–91. De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2019). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617917-011.
  38. Bischoff, M., Sachse, R., Körner, A., Westermeier, A.S., Born, L., Poppinga, S., Gresser, G.T., Speck, T., Knippers, J.: Modeling and analysis of the trapping mechanism of Aldrovanda vesiculosa as biomimetic inspiration for façade elements. In: IASS Annual Symposium in Hamburg (2018).
  39. Born, L., Möhl, C., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.: Textile connection technology for interfaces of fibre reinforced plastic-concrete-hybrid composites. In: Hybrid 2018 in Bremen (2018).
  40. Jonas, F.A., Born, L., Möhl, C., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J.: Towards branched supporting structures out of concrete-FRP composites inspired from natural branchings. In: IASS Annual Symposium 2018 in Boston (2018).
  41. Mark, A., Psikuta, A., Bauer, B., Rossi, R., Gresser, G.T.: Artificial skin for sweating guarded hotplates and manikins based on weft knitted fabrics. Textile Reserach Journal. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1177/0040517517750646.
  42. Mindermann, P., Gresser, G.T.: Robotic 3D Deposition of Impregnated Carbon Rovings with Gradient Properties for Primary Structures. In: 69th International Astronautical Congress (2018).
  43. Möhl, C., Born, L., Jonas, F.A., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J., Hausmann, J.M., Siebert, M., von Hehl, A.: Manufacturing of branched structures for fibre-reinforced plastic-concrete-hybrid composites. In: Hybrid 2018 in Bremen. p. pp 165-170. (2018).
  44. Schieber, G., Born, L., Bergmann, P., Körner, A., Mader, A., Saffarian, S., Betz, O., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J.: Hindwings of insects as concept generator for hingeless foldable shading systems. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 13, (2018). https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/aa979c.
  45. Born, L., Körner, A., Schieber, G., Westermeier, A.S., Poppinga, S., Sachse, R., Bergmann, P., Betz, O., Bischoff, M., Speck, T., Knippers, J., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.T., Herrmann, A.: Fiber-reinforced plastics with locally adapted stiffness for bio-inspired hingeless, deployable architectural systems. Presented at the (2017). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.742.689.
  46. Bunk, K., Jonas, F.A., Born, L., Gresser, G.T., Knippers, J., Speck, T., Masselter, T.: Vom Ast zum Palast. In: Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie C (2017).
  47. Goergen, C., Baz, S., Mitschang, P., Gresser, G.T.: Recycled carbon fibers in complex structural parts - organic sheets made of rCF Staple Fiber Yarns. In: 21st Symposium on Composites. pp. 602–609 (2017). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.742.602.
  48. Körner, A., Born, L., Mader, A., Sachse, R., Saffarian, S., Westermeier, A.S., Poppinga, S., Bischoff, M., Gresser, G.T., Milwich, M., Speck, T., Knippers, J.: Flectofold - A biomimetic compliant shading device for complex free form facades. Smart Materials and Structures. 27, (2017). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aa9c2f.
  49. Maschler, T., Finckh, H., Stegmaier, T., Tilebein, M., Gresser, G.T.: Characterisation and prognosis of the capillary rise of fluids in textile structures, exemplified by wicking of sunflower oil into cotton nonwovens. In: Fangueiro, R. (ed.) Procedia Engineering. pp. 349–356 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.07.049.
  50. Westermeier, A.S., Poppinga, S., Körner, A., Sachse, L., Knippers, J., Born, L., Bischoff, M., Gresser, G.T., Speck, T.: Keine Gelenkbeschwerden – Wie Pflanzen sich bewegen und die Technik inspirieren. In: Begleitband Baubionik-Ausstellung Naturkunde Museum Stuttgart Rosenstein (2017).
  51. Wulle, F., Kovaleva, D., Christof, H., Wurst, K.-H., Lechler, A., Verl, A., Sobek, W., Haase, W., Gresser, G.: Die Natur als Ideengeber für moderne Fertigungstechniken. In: Begleitband Baubionik-Ausstellung Naturkunde Museum Stuttgart Rosenstein (2017).
  52. Born, L., Westermeier, A.S., Gresser, G.T., Poppinga, S., Speck, T.: Catching inspiration from the carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa – Biological Role Model of the Shading System “Flectofold.” In: 8. Bremer Bionik-Kongress, Bremen (2016).
  53. Born, L., Jonas, F.A., Bunk, K., Masselter, T., Speck, T., Knippers, J., Gresser, G.T.: Branched Structures in Plants and Architecture. In: Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction. pp. 195–215. Springer, Cham (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46374-2_10.
  54. Christof, H., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.T.: Räumlich gekrümmte Pultrusionsprofile durch UV-aktive Harze. In: 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium. pp. 209–212 (2016).
  55. Coupek, D., Kovaleva, D., Christof, H., Wurst, K.-H., Verl, A., Sobek, W., Haase, W., Gresser, G.T., Lechler, A.: Fabrication of Biomimetic and Biologically Inspired (Modular) Structures for Use in the Construction Industry. In: Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction. pp. 319–339. Springer, Cham (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46374-2.
  56. Heidlingsfeld, M., Horio, R., Baesch, B., Riethmüller, C., Gresser, G.T., Sawodny, O.: Introduction, mathematical modelling and motion control of the novel pneumatic tectile actuator. (2016). https://doi.org/10.1080/14399776.2016.1265875.
  57. Poppinga, S., Körner, A., Sachse, R., Born, L., Westermeier, A., Hesse, L., Knippers, J., Bischoff, M., Gresser, G.T., Speck, T.: Compliant Mechanisms in Plants and Architecture. In: Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction. pp. 169–193. Springer, Cham (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46374-2_9.
  58. Christof, H., Müller, L., Küppers, S., Hofmann, P., Giebel, E., Frick, S., Gabler, M., Gresser, G.T.: Integration methods of sensors in FRP Components. In: 20th Symposium on Composites, Wien. pp. 586–593 (2015). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.825-826.586.
  59. Küppers, S., Thumm, J., Müller, L., Ewert, D., Gresser, G.T.: Braiding of branches for the fiber composite technology. In: 20th Symposium on Composites, Wien. pp. 749–756 (2015). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.825-826.749.
  60. Lehmann, B., Selvarayan, S.K., Ghomeshi, R., Gresser, G.T.: Carbon fiber reinforced composite - toughness and structural integrity enhancement. In: 20th Symposium on Composites, Wien. pp. 425–432 (2015). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.825-826.425.
  61. Müller, L., Lehmann, B., Gresser, G.T.: Sandwich structures: Analysis of bonding techniques between faces and core and the effect of internal pressure. In: 20th Symposium on Composites, Wien. pp. 361–368 (2015). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.825-826.361.
  62. Witt, M.-U., Milwich, M., Gresser, G.T., Hammer, M., Knippers, J.: Bio-pultrusion of facade-profiles from sustainable materials. In: 20th Symposium on Composites, Wien. pp. 1033–1038 (2015). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.825-826.1033.

Qualifizierung und Werdegang


Zeiträume und nähere Einzelheiten1.0


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Egbers/Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Piesche, Machinenbau, „Möglichkeiten zur Eliminierung von Fremdpartikeln und Nissen im Kardierprozess“,
magna cum laude, Universität Stuttgart, Deutschland


Dipl.-Ing., Maschinenbau, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland



Zeiträume und nähere Einzelheiten

Professor (W3) und Institutsleiter
Instituts für Textil- und Fasertechnologien (ITFT), Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)


ITV Denkendorf Produktservice GmbH, Denkendorf, Deutschland


Leitende Funktionen
Rieter Maschinenfabrik AG, Winterthur, Schweiz


Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik, Denkendorf, Deutschland


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