The Association for the Support of Research and Teaching in Textile Engineering and Textile Machinery Denkendorf e. V. (FTTM Denkendorf e. V.) supports research and teaching in the field of textile technology, textile machinery engineering and related subjects. The funding includes above all, the awarding of scholarships to students with a focus on textile technology.
The FTTM scholarship is usually granted during the textile-related specialization or deepening in the master's program (or in exceptional cases already in the bachelor's program Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Technology Management) of the University of Stuttgart.
Students at other universities and colleges specializing in "Textile Technology" or "Textile Machinery" can apply for a scholarship at FTTM e.V. too.
The German Engineering Federation (VDMA), with around 3,200 members, is Europe's largest industrial association headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. The VDMA actively supports young engineers through its Walter Reiners Foundation. Each year, the foundation awards prizes for the best dissertation and master's thesis as well as the creativity prize for the smartest student work.
Through financial support of university excursions to member companies and the "International Textile Machinery Exhibition (ITMA)", the foundation provides regularly insights into practice. Highly performing students benefit the Foundation through foreign scholarships and VDMA scholarships.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Götz T. Gresser

Martina De Lorenzo
Assistance to the Management, Administration, Controlling